Friday, March 20, 2009

Simple Beauty of the Seasons

by Sister Guadalupe Medina, OSF

Simple beauty and contemplation is the name of our blog and how appropriate for the seasons of the year we encounter. St. Francis was very much aware of the simple beauty that surrounded him in creation, and he took time to contemplate and praise the creator. Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, writes in her book “Franciscan Prayer” “Contemplation for Francis and Clare is a penetrating gaze that gets to the heart of reality. It is looking into the depths of things and seeing them in their true relation to God.”

Each season brings its own simple beauty which invites us to enter into contemplation. This year March 20 is the beginning of spring. Ah yes, spring is actually upon us. Take some time this weekend to stop, look and enjoy the surprises of this beautiful season of spring. Notice the buds on the trees, the birds, the flowers that are starting to bloom, the clouds, and the people around you. It’s as though the world is waking up from a nice little snooze. The days are getting brighter and a sense of new energy seems to be flowing thoughout all of humanity and creation. It is a wonderful time to just stop, look and contemplate on the simple yet majestic beauty that surrounds us daily.

Contemplation does not require you to have a deep theological background in order to do it. It requires only that you take time to BE.

Remember when you were a child how the simple things in life captured your attention and how much time you would spend just observing and enjoying them. Perhaps it was noticing a bee going from flower to flower, a spider spinning a web, the clouds as you lay in the grass, or the waves at the beach. Perhaps you have just stood observing your mother, father or that special person in your life. That’s contemplation at its best, because you stopped, looked, and were able to see with the eyes of your heart and experience God’s overflowing love and presence in a way you never imaged.

I invite you to spend some time this weekend and just contemplate the simple beauty that surrounds you.

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